Australasian Diabetes Congress 2025 - Oral Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentation Guidelines


If you are participating as either a speaker or poster presenter for the Australasian Diabetes Congress 2024, please read through the information below. If you have any queries, please contact

All presenting authors (oral and poster) will be required to register for the Congress in order to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final program. Congress registrations are available now.

In order to allow us to include your details in the Congress App and have your abstract included in the Congress proceedings, note that you needed to have registered no later than 26 July 2024. Otherwise, we regret that your presentation will be removed from the program.

If you decide to withdraw your abstract, please advise us as soon as possible so that the program can be adjusted accordingly.

ADS Accepted as Oral

ADS Clinical and Basic Science Oral Presentations
Your oral presentation is comprised of a presentation followed by questions and answers. Please refer to your confirmation email for the location and time of your presentation. Each presentation will be 15 minutes long – it will consist of a 10-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute Q+A.

ADS Accepted as Poster

ADS Basic & Clinical Poster Rapid-Fire Oral Presentations and Awards
The ADS Basic & Clinical Poster Rapid-Fire Oral Presentations will take place inside one of the Education Hubs located in the Exhibition Hall. You will be required to present your poster as a digital presentation with a maximum of 4 PowerPoint slides. Abstract content should include intro, aims, method, results & conclusion. You have the option to display a hard-copy poster on a poster board located in the exhibition hall.

1. At least 2 hours prior to your session, please take a digital version of your poster on a USB stick to the Speakers Preparation Room located in meeting room 12 on Level 1 next to Boardroom 4. The AV technicians will load it onto the Congress PCs and return your USB stick.

2. Please ensure you are in the Exhibition Hall (@Education Hub) prior to the start of the session and check in with the chairperson.

3. 5 minutes have been allocated for your presentation with 2 minutes to answer a few questions. There will be a count- down buzzer. Please stick to time.

4. At 7 minutes the chairperson will thank you and introduce the next speaker.

ADEA Accepted as Oral

ADEA Oral Presentations
Your oral presentation is comprised of a 10-minute presentation followed by a 2-minute Q&A.

At the venue
At least 2 hours prior to your first session, please take your presentation on a USB stick to the Speakers Preparation Room located on Level 1 next to Boardroom 4. The AV technicians will load it onto the Congress PCs and return your USB stick. As a backup we recommend you bring two copies on separate memory sticks, and that you bring any video and audio files embedded into your presentation as separate files.

If you would prefer to bring your own laptop, please ensure you visit your presentation room in plenty of time prior to your talk to ensure your laptop can be tested. If using a Mac, please also bring your own HDMI adaptor.

Please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with your session venue (details will be in the Congress App and Website) and audio-visual equipment at some stage before you are scheduled to speak. Please be in your session venue at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your session and introduce yourself to your session chairperson.

Slide Setup
Please save your slide setup in 16:9 ratio (widescreen) to fit the projection being used. PowerPoint Presentations should be made to the ratio of 16:9. This can be altered in page setup. The first slide of your presentation will be your Disclosure Statement. Please the nature of your conflict, for example - Spokesperson for a particular pharmaceutical company or, funding grants from companies

Speakers Preparation Room
A Speakers Preparation Room is located on Level 1 next to Boardroom 4 and will be open at the following times:

Wed 21st Aug 0800-1700
Thu 22nd Aug 0800-1700
Fri 23rd Aug 0700-1300

Key Dates

Call for ADEA Masterclass/Symposium

Call for ADS and ADEA abstracts

ADEA abstract Submission closes

ADS abstract Submission closes

Super early bird registration

Early bird registration

ADC Congress 2025
20 – 22 August 2025